5 Tips For Creating an SEO-Friendly Blog

There are a number of different reasons that people write blogs. They may be as part of a professional website. They may be for reasons of personal creativity. Perhaps you’re trying to bring attention to a certain topic you feel is important. The list goes on and on. But, unless you’re writing a blog that you don’t want people to actually read for some reason, then visibility and searchability are going to be important factors, which is where good SEO comes into play.

SEO stands for search engine optimization, and essentially, if you are skilled at understanding and implementing SEO strategies within your blog, you have a much better chance to be found when people are searching for the type of information you’re presenting. Consider the following five tips while you’re creating content for your next blog post.

Recognize the Importance of SEO

The first step in having great SEO is understanding the importance of words in context. There is so much content out there on the web that ultimately, much of the organization, when it comes to searching and finding, is automated by text crawlers that are constantly scanning the web. If you don’t have the right text, the right descriptions, the right headlines, just in terms of text, you’re never going to be found.

Keeping Up With the Latest Algorithms

And the way the idea of ‘right’ is formulated is through web crawler algorithms. The heavy hitter in regard to this is Google’s constantly-adapting algorithm scheme, which decides which words are important in your blog post, and why, and how well all of the links work together to form something that has cohesive value for someone searching for information.

Writing Great Headlines

Writing great headlines is a huge part of having an SEO-friend blog. Headlines get extra attention in terms of web crawlers, and they’re also one of the biggest indicators (and focal points of attention) for people searching for topics and specific information. Without a great headline that describes your content accurately and concisely, not only will your SEO be ineffective, but interested browsers wouldn’t ever find the content in the first place.

Avoid Stuffing Words

Older SEO techniques involved ‘stuffing’ keywords in a way that sort of tricked older web crawlers. By saying the same sets of words over and over, the math behind the system would assume that word was more important. However, the content itself would seem very awkward and less valuable than posts written in real language.

Create Natural Links Whenever Possible

Natural links are going to be the way to go when it comes to modern SEO-friendly blogs as well. This means using a combination of direct links, matched links, naked URL’s, and phrases that encapsulate data further than just single keywords.



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