Best Holiday Blogs Can Show How to Monetize Yours

The holidays are upon us. A time for family and friends, they are full of festive gatherings and gift giving.

They can also cost you a pretty penny. Even the savvy shoppers and do-it-yourself crowd have to fund their efforts. Whether it involves dressing up for the whirl of parties, throwing an epic bash, decking the home in holiday cheer, or buying the perfect gifts for loved ones, earning extra money has additional perks this time of year.

One great way to accomplish this fiscal feat is through blogging. Thanks to user-friendly sites for novice bloggers (such as WordPress), creating a marketable and engaging blog is easier than ever.

Granted, this can become incredibly customized with some fancy footwork (i.e., coding), but there’s no reason not to start from scratch and begin earning money to write what you are passionate about. In fact, if you’re serious about monetizinga blog, highlights some of the most popular and effective strategies for cashing in on your blog, such as AdSense, Amazon Associate, affiliate marketing, and a few other creative techniques to set your advertising and marketing opportunities apart from the crowd.

With that in mind, here are four of the best holiday blogs to inspire your own endeavors (and perhaps get some great recipes, gift ideas, and just plain good thoughts as we venture forth into Thanksgiving and the cheery madness beyond). Thanks to great content, popular topics, and engaging formats, these blogs exemplify how to monetize through advertising, pay-per-clicks, and the like.

1. For all things Christmas music-related: Hip Christmas

This blog keeps its readers up to speed on the holiday tunes that make you want to move your feet. With free MP3 downloads and the ability to create a playlist through the website, Hip Christmas will inspire festive playlists to last through the season.

Another great music blog to check out for the season is Christmas A Go Go. Not only is the name fun, but it offers a comprehensive online guide to iconic, classic tunes. The commentary is smart, funny, and entertaining in addition to sparking holiday playlist ideas.

2. For a very merry, crafty Christmas: Creative Flourishes

With holiday cheer comes an irrepressible inclination to bring out the glue gun and glitter, and go to town on some creative projects. For those who experience this same impulse, the Creative Flourishes blog will be a delightful stop.

From creative tips to craft ideas like making custom Christmas cards and ornaments, this blog is a delightful pairing with a cup of holiday cheer. For even more homemade inspiration, the About Christmas Crafts blog expounds on centerpieces, wreaths, and kid-centric crafts.

3. Santa Claus Blog

Whimsy, imagination, and the fun of Santa’s blog make this a wonderful place to get into the spirit of Christmas. It’s a great blog to share with kids; readers get the inside scoop on the preparation and countdown for the big day. The elves weigh in, too.

The site engages readers to participate with a place to report Santa sightings, track Santa’s delivery route progress, and entertaining musings on the travails of making Christmas magic happen. This is a brilliant example of great blogging that is bound to generate income.

4. Parties, planning, and food: Real Simple

The blog maintained by Real Simple simply does a great job of incorporating plenty of great party ideas, recipes, and inspirations for a variety of tastes and budgets. As the title suggests, the idea is to keep it simple and manageable.

So for every style, passion, and vision, a blog can be found or created to meet the demands of both readers and advertisers. Enjoy these holiday inspiration and happy blogging!

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