No matter what product or service you’re selling, marketing efficiency is an absolute must in order to stay competitive. Remember, you can have the best marketing in the world, the best ideas, the best product, and the best everything, but if you don’t put it together in the right output package, all can essentially be for naught.
So to give you a framework about what you can do to trim the marketing fat and get efficient about what you’re trying to accomplish, consider the five following ways to hit up those increases include using time tracking systems, being aware of survey feedback, going social, creating new searchable content, and dropping dead weight from your efforts.
Use a Time Tracking System
One modern potential for increasing marketing efficiency is to have your marketing department sign up for a time-tracking service. With new ways to check in and out on the go, and new ways to handle things like GPS tracking and overall workflow efficiency, it’s tough to beat a system that incorporates all of that and can save hundreds of hours of tedious administrative work, simply by holding all relevant data in an automatic process!
Listen To Feedback From Surveys
Another great way to increase marketing efficiency is by using online surveys correctly. So many companies just throw away all of that great data if it doesn’t match with what they already perceive about their company marketing efforts. By actually listening to what potential customers say, you can get rid of all of the old-style marketing techniques that don’t seem to be working anymore, as well as catering your content to people’s responses to your questions.
Go Social With the Best of Them
Want to be a better marketer? Get out and get social. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Snapchat are the waves of the future when it comes to having instant access to all of the people who might be interested in your products. With that in mind, get a program like Hootsuite to bring it all together efficiently.
Create New Content Regularly
By creating new content regularly, some aspects of marketing will take care of themselves. Because Google regularly indexes new things and points to relevancy that way, by even creating content on a semi-regular basis, you’re upping your views and decreasing the stress on your other methods of advertising.
Drop What Doesn’t Work
Don’t beat a dead horse, and stop promoting things that don’t sell. The final great way to increase marketing efficiency is to simply stop trying to force old habits and products of people. Let things go, and your metrics will immediately increase because there won’t be any dead weight around to maintain.