The Importance of a Content Strategy for Law Firms

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Lawyers are in the business of working with people. It’s a face-to-face industry where interactions take place in real time. But don’t let this hold you back from delving into online marketing and digital communication. Every law firm needs a content strategy to be successful in 2018 and beyond. Do you have one?

Why You Need Content

It’s nearly impossible to be successful in any modern industry without having an online presence. This is especially true in law, which has become increasingly competitive over the past decade. And at the heart of any online presence is content – strategic content.

Content is what makes the internet go round. Whether it’s SEO, web design, blogging, marketing, advertising, sales, social media, or any other aspect of business management and growth, content plays a role. It’s what connects you to potential clients, generates awareness for your firm, and establishes credibility with those in and around your industry.

Without content, your firm stands no chance of reaching its full potential. With a well-developed content strategy, there’s almost nothing you can’t achieve.

4 Tips for Using Content Strategically

The problem is that you’re a lawyer – not a content writer or marketer. But having experience as a content marketer isn’t a requirement for getting started. You simply need to understand what’s important and set your priorities accordingly. Here are a few suggestions:

Aim for Thought Leadership

Are you familiar with the concept of thought leadership? It’s become a bit of a buzzword over the last few years, but it’s still important.

“I define thought leadership as a type of content marketing where you tap into the talent, experience, and passion inside your business, or from your community, to consistently answer the biggest questions on the minds of your target audience, on a particular topic,” marketer Michael Brenner writes.

When you craft content with thought leadership in mind – rather than just trying to satisfy a certain quota for words or blog posts – it begins to take on a life of its own. Make this the goal.

Develop Sticky Content

A lot of law firms publish content, but very few do it well. The goal isn’t to publish as much content as you possibly can – it’s to create quality resources that serve as lead magnets.

Sticky, evergreen content – i.e. content that’s timeless and useful – is the best. This page from Ryan Bisher Ryan & Simons is a great example. It’s a simple, yet effective guide for people who have been in a car accident and don’t know how to proceed. The firm uses it to educate and inform, which leads readers to schedule free consultations.

Cut the Jargon

“It’s quite a paradox that lawyers, so often called upon to eloquently use the English language, are frequently guilty of peppering the content they create with confusing legal jargon,” marketer Nick Salloway points out.

If you want your content strategy to be genuine and effective, you have to stop talking (or writing) like a lawyer. Get rid of the legal jargon and stick to commonly used phrases and laymen’s terms to describe complex issues. This is how you build trust.

Be Purposeful (Create a Calendar)

If you’re serious about wanting to develop a content strategy, you need a content calendar to keep you honest and consistent. Also referred to as an editorial calendar, this schedule tells you what to write, when to publish, and how to reach certain goals and checkpoints.

“While you can still be flexible and blog about timely issues and events, an editorial calendar ensures your blog is strategically focused, that you are addressing all of your buyer personas and that you are providing them the information they truly need,” marketer Michelle Calcote King explains.

Meeting Clients Where They Are

Your content strategy is about reaching your clients where they are – and that’s on the internet. It doesn’t matter what the demographic is, your target market is online and great content is the secret to reaching them. The sooner you realize this, the faster you can act.
